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Stakeholder Communication

Shinhan Financial Group is committed to the mutual growth of the values of the Group and society through communication with diverse stakeholders. It fulfills its responsibilities and obligations for its customers, shareholders and investors and strives to attain greater satisfaction and co-prosperity of its executives and employees and partner companies. Moreover, it realizes compassionate finance that aligns with various entities such as local community, NGOs and government agencies, resulting in a virtuous cycle in society.

Stakeholders Key Expectation Responses of Shinhan Financial Group Communication Channel
Customers Innovative customer experience Offer exclusive products to Shinhan SOL app - Customer Reviewers
- Website VOC
- Shinhan Poll
Provide investment information service based on Big Data
Improved service convenience Convenient Tablet PC consolation service, SOL kit
Protection of underprivileged customers Support a smart banking service for foreigners who are restricted in terms of time and language
Increased trustee’s obligation Introduce Shinhan BNP Paribas Stewardship Code - Consultation with investors
- Investor engagement
Considering long-term shareholder values Secure a foundation for sustainable growth via ESG risk management and socially responsible investment
Improved corporate governance Obtain ‘A+’ rating in the ESG section for its Board of Directors’ independence and transparency by the Korea Corporate Governance Service (KCGS)
Executives & employees Work-life balance Run 3 and 6 childcare centers in the Group and bank branches, respectively - In-house suggestions
- Labor-management council
- Intranet
Expand the scope of application of its flexible work system, Smart Work System
Increase work efficiency by reducing simple and repetitive tasks with RPA
Competency building for executives and employees Introduce a management leader system to foster talents to raise customer values
Execute training on digital competency building
Develop a smart learning platform
Cultivation of female workforce Create ‘Shinhan SHeros’, a program dedicated to foster female talents
Partner companies Communication with partner companies Invite and hold briefing sessions partner companies to discuss win-win collaboration and solutions - Meeting for co-prosperity
- Survey on transaction satisfaction rate
Welfare support for partner companies Initiate “Hands-on Classes for Finance” for the children of partner companies’ employees
Operate cultural programs with participation of partner companies
Local community Local social contribution activities Operate 1 company-1 village sisterhood system - Local community and NGO meetings- VOC on Website
Global social contribution activities Host ‘Global One Shinhan Voluntary Festivals’
Government Expansion of inclusive finance Increase loans, deposits and debt arbitration for the working class Consultative body on the financial authority’s policies
Response to environmental policies Announce ‘ECO Transformation 20·20’ strategy to take an initiative in climate finance to fund the implementation of the Government’s 3020 plan
Job creation Take measures to support young people with Shinhan Do Dream Space, Match maker’s Program, Cafe Do Dream
Signed MOU with KOTRA to assist young people in finding jobs overseas
Signed MOU with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family to help women whose careers have been interrupted to become employed