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Social Partnerships

  • Fostering Financial Talents for Creation and Innovation
  • Shinhan Financial Group is fostering talents with digital competencies with the firm belief that ‘people’ are the fundamental sources of innovation and change.
    We provide platforms where employees demonstrate their creativity from the perspective of an organizational culture and encourage a communicative culture to establish a flexible and creative organization. To this end, we create our unique culture that identifies changes of the era and takes the initiative.
  • Smart Working System for the Work-Life Balance of Employees
  • Employee happiness is linked to customer satisfaction. Shinhan Financial Group supports the work-life balance of our employees to create a virtuous cycle of maximizing customer satisfaction by establishing a happy corporate culture.
    To this end, we are implementing the smart working system and expanding its scope to improve the quality of life for more employees. Also, we are providing systems and institutions for maternity protection and promoting a corporate culture in which mother, child, and all family members are happy.

Open Culture to Respect Diversity

  • Creating a flexible organizational culture and a corporate culture that respects diversity are increasingly important along with rapid ICT changes and globalization of the corporate market. Furthermore, there are growing trends to attract and retain talents with various experiences and values, promote to utilize female talents, and build a culture of gender equality in the workplace to enhance corporate adaptability and creativity.
    Shinhan Financial Group is pushing for ‘measures to foster female talents’ to nurture female business leaders to increase the contribution of women employees with outstanding creativity, empathy, communication capabilities to the organization as well as corporate diversity and flexibility for sustainable growth. In December 2017, for instance, we have installed a task force as the group level to nurture female managers, analyzed related systems, benchmarked the best practices of leading businesses and developed a mid-term roadmap with the aim of fostering female talents. We plan to establish a cooperative channel among subsidiaries through the Shinhan Women Leaders Forum and Women’s Committee within the group to come up with detailed plans for implementation
  • Women middle managers
    (manager or higher positions)



    Shinhan Bank’s communication brand Do Dream
  • Shinhan Financial Group will emphasize an organizational culture of recognizing diversity
    to foster female talents, set gender equality goals, and develop a monitoring system to track the status of goal achievement.
    Furthermore, we are making efforts to support the work-family balance for employees and improve working conditions to create an infrastructure that allows women to freely showcase their abilities and avoids their career disruption. Specifically, we are planning to develop a plan to foster women managers and expand the plan to our global network in the future from the long-term perspective so that we can remove stereotypes of gender roles and provide inspiring role models for women leaders.